The 21 Secrets Of Self Made Millionaires

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The 21 Secrets Of Self Made Millionaires
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Brian Tracy’s 21 Secrets Of Self Made Millionaires is a “wealth classic”.  It’s only a short book, but the bite-sized tips are spot-on and inspiring.  I was so impressed with it that I made a “swipe file” out of the 21 tips and had it stuck on my wall for years. It definitely helped me make my first million!

Here are the 21 secrets:

1 Dream Big Dreams.
2 Develop a Clear Sense of Direction.
3 See Yourself as Self-Employed.
4 Do What You Love to Do.
5 Commit to Excellence.
6 Work Longer and Harder.
7 Dedicate Yourself to Lifelong Learning.
8 Pay Yourself First.
9 Learn Every Detail of Your Business.
10 Dedicate Yourself to Serving Others.
11 Be Absolutely Honest with Yourself and Others.
12 Determine Your Highest Priorities and Concentrate on Them Single-Mindedly.
13 Develop a Reputation for Speed and Dependability.
14 Be Prepared to Climb from Peak to Peak.
15 Practice Self-Discipline in All Things.
16 Unlock Your Inborn Creativity.
17 Get around the Right People.
18 Take Excellent Care of Your Physical Health.
19 Be Decisive and Action Oriented.
20 Never Allow Failure to Be an Option.
21 Pass the “Persistence Test”.

Check out the book here for the full inspiring explanation of each one: (Amazon Link).

The 21 Secrets are habits and behaviors that can be cultivated “by anyone”. One of my favorite notes from the book is this:

“Successful people do things that are goal achieving, unsuccessful people do things that are tension relieving.”

It’s a classic statement about prioritization and about how to become self-aware and self-observant. Unconscious habits of doing things that are “pleasing” in the moment can be an immense distraction from the important things that need to be done in order to achieve success.

I would go even further, and suggest that the mind can be an absolute slippery snake when it comes to “inventing” distractions from what you really ought to be doing. Our minds detest the lash of discipline – and ultimately there is only one person who can provide the strength and will power needed for success – yourself!

Brian Tracy has written numerous books about wealth and success – including “The 100 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Business Success” and “Maximum Achievement: Strategies and Skills That Will Unlock Your Hidden Powers to Succeed”. He’s worked as a consultant for over 1,000 companies and has given over 5,000 talks and seminar presentations worldwide. His speciality is the subject of effectiveness – maximizing your potential for both personal and business success.

Check out the book here (Amazon Link).
